Do influencers have agents?

Let’s talk agency.

One of the things that gets interesting looks from people when we talk to them about what we do relates to our talent agency side of the business as it pertains to the creator economy.

“Wait, influencers have agents now?”

As a matter of fact, they do. Long gone are the days of only movie, sports, and music stars having agents. Today’s influencers are just as noteworthy, and as such, stand to benefit from agency services.

A broad overview of what agents do

Regardless of industry, it’s important to first understand the role of an agent — whether he or she represents a pop star or a travel influencer. There are seven main functions of an agent:

  1. Negotiating contracts: Agents work out the fine details of contracts between the talent and their employer (be it a movie studio or brand).

  2. Sourcing opportunities: A good agent is always on the prowl for a role or job for their talent. In our business, that’s usually attempting to secure partnerships with brands that will ultimately sponsor the talent.

  3. Public relations: Agents help manage the public image of their clients, including handling media inquiries, coordinating interviews, and managing social media presence.

  4. Financial management: Some agents will work closely with financial advisors and accountants to ensure their clients' financial well-being.

  5. Career guidance: Agents provide career guidance and strategic advice to help their clients make informed decisions about their professional trajectory. This means helping choose which deals to take, especially when offers are constantly coming through.

  6. Legal representation: Some agents will work hand-in-hand with the client’s legal counsel to ensure the clients’ interests are always protected in business and otherwise.

  7. Support and advocacy: Agents act as advocates for their clients, supporting them during negotiations, conflicts, or challenging situations. They provide emotional support and guidance to help their clients navigate the ups and downs of their careers.

One element that ties into #7 is also friendship. It’s extremely common to see agents become personal friends with their clients, given how closely they work.

Being an agent means being available 24/7 and willing to equally share the down moments as much as the up moments.

Do influencers have or even need agents?

This question practically answers itself. The answer is a resounding yes. Medium-to-large influencers absolutely stand to benefit from the services outlined above.

Remember, influencers are constantly engaging with brands, studios, and other outfits in the entertainment world. Can you reasonably expect them to be the ones managing their own deal flow? Their job, after all, is to create content for you to enjoy. The more time they spend taking calls with brands, negotiating deals, reviewing contracts, and so on, the less time they have to create.

But the need for an agent goes beyond being too busy. It also involves having someone in your circle familiar with the business. In the case of an influencer, understanding whether they are being compensated fairly, whether the terms are favorable, among other things.

Additional benefits of influencers having agents

We know that influencers stand to benefit from having an agent, but what specifically are some of the perks of having an agent? Besides what we’ve already discussed, having an agent also provides access to exclusive opportunities and partnerships. Remember, an agent has spent most of their career making connections. That network can certainly be useful when trying to find jobs for their clients.

Agents will often try to steer their clients in the right direction, as well. For example, if a relatively unknown brand comes to an influencer with an appealing deal, it may not make sense to do it just because the payout is attractive. Just look at the fallout that took place following the FTX collapse a few years ago.

The relationship goes beyond deals, though. Agents are also instrumental in helping their clients navigate their careers; giving them pointers on what they should do next to take themselves to the next level of success.

Challenges and considerations when it comes to influencer agents

As is the case in all areas of life, there are challenges and considerations to keep in mind when discussing agency. Perhaps the biggest is actually finding the right agent that fits a particular influencer’s needs. Agents are incredibly selective with whom they work. The job requires a lot of effort, and they want to be sure they get along with the talent they work for. Likewise, the talent is also incredibly selective with who they want to work with, ensuring that person is someone with a strong work ethic, good morals, and who is overall good at what they do.

There are also ethical considerations and potential conflicts of interest to keep in mind in a talent-agent relationship. Does an agent also represent a similar influencer — perhaps the competition? Is the agent keeping the talent’s best interest at heart when he/she is working with the brand they have worked with for years? These are all things to consider.

Final thoughts

There’s a reason why influencer talent agencies are popping up by the day. The demand for agents is rising rapidly, especially as the creator economy continues to expand. Influencers large and small are finding it better to have someone else deal with their incoming emails and requests, and that someone must have the best interests of that influencer in mind at all times.

Seeking agency representation? Give us a shout.


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